It’s getting close to Halloween. Do you dress up? If so, what are you going as? This is me last year, I was a zombie doctor:

Zombie Godless Mom
Speaking of dressing up, the first guy I want you to follow dresses like a train bandit in his vlogs and I’m not gonna lie, it’s kinda mysteriously cool. It is, of course, Paul from Quaranify Me. This guy has a heart the size of Texas and he’s not afraid to say what he really feels. His podcast, Quranify Me is hard hitting, entertaining and consistently covers stories and issues that are eye-opening and relevant. If you’re not following Paul, make sure to do so:
Twitter: @quranifyme YouTube: Quranify Me Podcast:
Ok, so this next one is a new YouTuber, MentalOutlawStudios, who had me in absolute stitches last night when I watched his response to the now-infamous cum-drinking Muslim video. Please watch to the end, the end is the funniest part:
I am so looking forward to more videos from this guy. Go sub to him: MentalOutlawStudios
If you want to be featured on Follow Friday, please email me at and have an awesome weekend!