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Image by Brett Jordan

Mommy Loves You!

My deepest and sincerest thanks go out to all my patrons, listed below. Your patronage helps me keep this place running, it helps me to continue volunteering at my nonprofit where we spread secular education and rescue atheists at risk around the world. Your contribution is activism, make no mistake.



Patrons get great perks. Aside from being thanked on this page, Patrons can also take part in a monthly Zoom call and many other perks!​

Thank You

Top Tiers

Phil Sheppard


Loren Finkelstein

Tony Stevens

Everyone Else!

Alan Marx • DaveNerdyGeek • Edward Silha • Gerald Scott • Graeme Irwin • Jay Mumford • Jim Dunn • Peter Nuhn • Price Sicard • Robert Grimshaw • Vance Hogan • Paul Hamel • Lisa Nelson • Stephen Williams • Floogy • Gary Small • Malia Kawaguchi • Martin Barrett • Raven Mack

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