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Follow Friday: Ethical Bob, The Armoured Skeptic & God Swill Ministries

Writer's picture: Courtney HeardCourtney Heard

Happy Friday Godless Gang,

So, this week saw the beginning of my atheist videos on YouTube. I got a lot of great feedback, and some wonderful constructive criticism. Here’s one thing: I ruined my HD camera in Mexico over the summer and have to resort to my webcam which shits the bed. My trip to Mexico for my brother’s wedding emptied our pockets, so I have to wait until we catch back up to get a better quality camera. At which point, I will definitely make way better quality vids. In the meantime, you can support me by subscribing, liking, sharing and commenting. Click here to head over to my channel.

So this week, I really, really, really want you to follow Bob Churchill, who was our contact at the International Humanist and Ethical Union and without whom, we most certainly would not have been able to navigate the whole #FreeMubarak thing. He is smart, and cool-headed and kept us all in line, especially when we got a lot of heat from doubters. He organized people on the ground in Nigeria, he got us in touch with Leo Igwe and he was an all around superstar. Bob is a man of integrity for whom I have the utmost respect, and I definitely think you all should follow him.

You can follow Bob on Twitter here: @BobChurchill

Next on today’s Follow Friday roster, we have the Armoured Skeptic. You’ve probably heard of this guy before, but if you have not, you’re missing out. His videos are outrageously funny. He usually finds some idiot creationist videos, cuts them up and adds his own commentary. He’s bright, always right and hysterically humourous. Here’s one of my favourites:

You need to sub to this channel:

I also want you to check out God Swill Ministries on Facebook because it’s a really great source of both hilarious atheist memes as well as news stories that are of interest to atheists. When I want to know what’s going on in the fight against religion, I always check this page.

Like it by clicking here.

Also, make sure you’re following me on:

Follow Friday will happen every Friday. If you want to be included, email me at

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